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Seasonal Allergies: Nip Them in the Bud This Spring with These 5 Effective Strategies

Seasonal Allergies: Nip Them in the Bud This Spring with These 5 Effective Strategies

Seasonal allergies can be a real pain. One day you're okay, and the next, your nose is running, your throat feels sore, and your eyes are both swollen and itchy. Is there anything you can do to mitigate allergy symptoms once they manifest, especially during the spring season? The good news is: yes

Consider these five strategies from the experts at Rapid City Healthcare in Irving, Texas, if you want to nip allergies in the bud this spring.

1. Take allergy medication

A lot of over-the-counter medication can help you with allergies. Take antihistamines, for example; these will block your body's response to allergies, so they're more tolerable, and usually, these work less than an hour after taking them. You could also try chlorpheniramine, clemastine, or diphenhydramine, but remember that these drugs are likely to make you drowsy.

You may have to use a nasal spray if your allergies are more severe to deliver medication more directly, but it can lead to dryness and nose bleeds. You could also get an allergy shot every 3-5 months to ensure your seasonal allergies aren't that bad.

2. Don't spend tons of time outside

Of course, many benefits are associated with going outside to get some fresh air and vitamin D, but the longer you're outside, the more likely you'll eventually get overwhelmed by all the pollen.

You should wear sunglasses to keep the pollen out of your eyes, and consider wearing a mask on days when your allergies are terrible. Also, it may help to take a shower once you come inside.

Remember that keeping pollen out of a home isn't possible; you can lessen your exposure by staying indoors.

3. Check the air quality in your home

If the air quality in your home is subpar, your allergies will likely be exacerbated by the low-quality air. This is why you must clean and vacuum routinely. You should also install a HEPA filter in your HVAC unit, which hospitals use to keep their air clean and safe.

And if you live with someone who smokes, politely ask them to refrain from smoking around you, as smoke exacerbates allergies too.

4. Drive with your windows up

When the weather gets warmer in the spring, it can be tempting to roll the car windows down while you’re driving. But if you’re someone who has allergies, this is an invitation for allergy symptoms! Keep the windows up during allergy season, and put the air conditioner on if it gets too warm.

5. Schedule an appointment 

Tried all the strategies above, and nothing's helping? The team at Rapid City Healthcare can help and may prescribe you allergy medication you can't get over the counter or get you started on a more targeted allergy treatment plan. 

If your allergies are intolerable and you're desperate for relief, call Rapid City Healthcare at (214) 256-1795 or schedule an appointment online

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