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4 Smart Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

4 Smart Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

When you have medical concerns you seek out the advice of your doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or physical therapist — depending on the nature of your concern. But did you know your pharmacist is an excellent resource for medication questions?

When the experienced urgent care and primary care doctors at Rapid City Healthcare in Irving, Texas prescribe medications, we always encourage our patients to ask any questions they have and we’re happy to answer them! But you may also want to ask additional questions as you pick up your prescription at the pharmacy.

For your convenience, Rapid City Healthcare offers an on-site pharmacy. To get the most out of your trip to the pharmacy, ask the following four questions:

1. What is the generic and brand name of the medication?

All medications have a generic name and a brand name. The generic name is the standard name for the type of medication you’re receiving, like acetaminophen, while the brand name is the name the manufacturer provides the product, like Tylenol®.

2. What does this medication do for me?

It doesn’t hurt to get the pharmacist's explanation of what the medication can do for you, in case you have any confusion or doubts by the time you get there to pick up your prescription. Rapid City Healthcare prescribes some medications to cure an illness, like antibiotics, while pain medications may be prescribed to relieve pain symptoms.

Your pharmacist also knows how long it takes for a medication to start working. It’s a good idea for you to learn whether it should provide results immediately or if it takes a week or so before you experience its benefits. This knowledge can help you monitor whether or not the medication is helping — and if it’s not, you should call Rapid City Healthcare for the next action to take.

3. How do I take this medication?

Your pharmacist can tell you whether it’s better to take the medication in the morning or at night, or if it’s the type of medication that needs to be taken at the exact same time each day to work effectively. They can also let you know if you should take the prescription with or without food, or whether you can crush or split the medication rather than taking it whole.

The pharmacist is also a great resource for finding out what to do if you miss a scheduled dose of your medication.

4. Does the medication have any side effects?

Most medications have potential side effects. Some are mild, while others require immediate medical attention. Understanding the possible side effects of any medication you take is important, as well as knowing what action to take in an emergency.

The board-certified team of doctors at Rapid City Healthcare prescribes medications as necessary to relieve symptoms, offer pain relief, or help cure illnesses. While we are always happy to answer your questions, it’s nice to have another resource at the pharmacy should additional medication questions come up after you leave our office. 

For urgent healthcare matters, visit our urgent care center, or for routine healthcare needs, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

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